Breath work

There is no single more powerful and simple daily practice to
further your health and well-being than breathwork.

(Manage anxiety, stress and depression naturally, while increasing joy and vitality)

Most of us don’t breathe fully; we hold back the breath and have been doing so most of our lives. When we start to breathe fully and consciously we are easily able to release what we have been holding and open to an incredible expansion of consciousness, including greater forgiveness and self-love. This inner change brings about shifts in our outer lives for the better.

Individual sessions offer you one on one support that allows you to unravel your patterns and limitations at a deeper level. A 1.5 hours session involves sharing, intuitive counseling and coaching, as well as approximately one hour of circular, connected breathing. The emphasis is on increasing awareness of the present moment and allowing what is most important to reveal itself.

The emphasis is on increasing awareness of the present moment and allowing what is most important to reveal itself.

What are the Benefits?

Breathwork is one of the purest and most effective techniques to release stress and tension, heal and resolve trauma, and awaken your vital life energy. Breathwork, in all its forms, has gained a ton of credibility—and popularity—as a healing tool. There is no single more powerful and simple daily practice to further your health and well-being than breathwork. Our safe and gentle methods support you in accessing your own internal healing energy. From this place, you can experience a powerful shift in yourself and your life experience.

  • Reduces stress and increases energy, aliveness & sense of well-being
  • Releases toxins, emotions, and stagnant energy from the cells of the body
  • Allows old emotions, memories and past traumas to arise and release in a safe and gentle way
  • Accesses expanded states of consciousness, including higher guidance and clarity about one’s path and life purpose
  • Supports the release of limiting thoughts, patterns and imprints from birth, childhood, and past lives
  • Opens and enhances creativity and expression
  • Increases flow, ease, joy, and pleasure in life and relationships
  • Transcends the mind and emotions and supports the awakening to the truth of who you really are