
Almost everyone who has practiced Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with an open mind has experienced sensations of bliss, feeling naturally high and filled with a sense of connection and joy.

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga practice is a process of transformation. Using specific sets of exercises (Kriyas) to stimulate and organize pranic energy, you are delivered to a specific energetic state — particularly one of greater awareness.

Also within the practice are built-in moments of stillness where we sit quietly and awaken to our Self. The breathwork within the kriyas is so powerful that it starts to strip away the layers that veil our consciousness, and in the sweet moments between poses we can sense the fullness of who we are. The kriyas work on strengthening the nervous system, balancing the glandular system, purifying the body and calming the mind.

Almost everyone who has practiced Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with an open mind has experienced sensations of bliss, feeling naturally high and filled with a sense of connection and joy. Various techniques of meditation (like silent, pranayama, mantra and Naad) are used to provoke and confront the very core of who you are, both physically and mentally.

You will learn to stay present and accept pleasure and pain as part of the journey to health and balance. Our ego naturally leans towards pleasure and comfort. It takes concerted effort and discipline to begin to release the ego’s grip on our consciousness.

Kundalini yoga is not to be taken lightly. It is like an express train that shakes and wakes you up. We sincerely encourage you to have an experience of Kundalini yoga for yourself. It will add depth and richness to your existing experience of life.